Behind the Curtain: Trendex's secret algorithm revealed.


Hi there! Ever wanted to know how the magic behind Trendex works? Come on, follow me, let's take a peek behind the curtain.

1. The brilliant idea behind the algorithm

  • Genesis of innovation: In a world where everything is quantifiable, why not quantify the value of talent? This was the genesis of our algorithm.
  • Why it's unique: Instead of relying solely on subjectivity, we add a healthy dose of science.

2. Basic criteria

  • Engaged followers: Not just a number, eh. These are the real fans, the ones who interact, who support, who keep the talent alive.
  • Follower growth: Talent growth dynamics are essential. A soaring talent is worth its weight in gold!

3. Beyond numbers: Sentiment Analysis

  • What is it? We analyze the quality of fans' reactions. A memorable live show, a hit song, it all comes into play.
  • Why it's revolutionary: Instead of just relying on numbers, we capture emotion, feeling. It's powerful.

4. How it adapts in real time

  • Algorithm responsiveness: Trends change, and so does our algorithm. It is constantly updated to reflect the reality of the moment.
  • Why it's crucial: The world moves fast, especially when it comes to talent. To keep up, you have to adapt.

5. Transparency and ethics

  • No black magic here: Even if we're talking about a "secret algorithm", it's all done transparently and ethically.
  • Why you can trust us: We're here to revolutionize, yes, but always with integrity and honesty.


There, now you know (almost) everything. The Trendex algorithm is a clever blend of science, technology and a pinch of magic. It's what allows us to give you the best insights and stay ahead of the game. Impressed?

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) :

  1. Q: Is your algorithm really reliable? A: Absolutely! It's the fruit of many years of research and optimization.
  2. Q: How do you protect the integrity of your algorithm? A: We have strict measures in place to prevent any manipulation or cheating.
  3. Q: Will the algorithm evolve over time? A: Yes, it's essential for us to stay at the cutting edge and adapt to new trends.
  4. Q: Are there any talents that are more difficult to evaluate? A: All talents have their specificities, but our algorithm is designed to be as accurate as possible, whatever the talent.
  5. Q: Is your data secure? A: Yes, data security and protection are at the heart of our concerns.